Welcome to our Meeting 2016
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Torino for the 11th Congress of the ECSVD. The new format of the event, as the first “Interactive European Course on Vulvo-vaginal Disease – Learn with the Experts” emphasizes the vital role of education, the diffusion of knowledge and the interactive multidisciplinary discussion in such an important field of woman’s health.
Clinical cases, video presentations, interactive sessions together with free-communication sessions will cover all the topics of vulvo-vaginal diseases, from basic vulvology to advanced cancer reconstruction, from uro-gynaecology to ano-rectal problem affecting the vulva.
The Congress will be on 15-17th September, 2016, and the late warm summer of Torino will allow you to fully explore the town with its museums, theatres, concerts, restaurant and cafès, in a unique Italian baroque atmosphere, with historical buildings, elegant squares, lovely arcades and pretty shops. To be “made in Italy” this experience will try to transmit the culture, history, refinement and hospitality.
The venue of the Congress will be the Foyer Toro of the Regio Theatre, that, from its construction in 1740, hosts the most impressive Italian Opera. We will have the opportunity to become familiar with its distinctive architecture and discover its innermost twists and turns, even those not visible to the public.
I’m convinced that we will spend a very good time in Torino, and hope that you will join us.
Dr Fabrizio Bogliatto
President ECSVD
This meeting has been awarded 14 CME points
Clinical cases, video presentations, interactive sessions together with free-communication sessions will cover all the topics of vulvo-vaginal diseases, from basic vulvology to advanced cancer reconstruction, from uro-gynaecology to ano-rectal problem affecting the vulva.
The Congress will be on 15-17th September, 2016, and the late warm summer of Torino will allow you to fully explore the town with its museums, theatres, concerts, restaurant and cafès, in a unique Italian baroque atmosphere, with historical buildings, elegant squares, lovely arcades and pretty shops. To be “made in Italy” this experience will try to transmit the culture, history, refinement and hospitality.
The venue of the Congress will be the Foyer Toro of the Regio Theatre, that, from its construction in 1740, hosts the most impressive Italian Opera. We will have the opportunity to become familiar with its distinctive architecture and discover its innermost twists and turns, even those not visible to the public.
I’m convinced that we will spend a very good time in Torino, and hope that you will join us.
Dr Fabrizio Bogliatto
President ECSVD
This meeting has been awarded 14 CME points