Chair: Nina Bohm-Starke (NBS)
The retiring president NBS welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The prize for the best abstract, was awarded to Anne-Floor Pouwer for her
three excellent presentations; “Inter-observer agreement for assessing the depth of invasion in vulvar squamous cell carcinoma”, “Clonal relationship between lichen sclerosus, differentiated vulvar intra-epithelial neoplasia and papillomavirus-negative vulvar squamous cell carcinoma” and “P16 status predict local recurrence of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma” . The prize for best poster was awarded to Jasmine Abdulcadir for her beautiful and enlightening poster “Real 3D pelvic models to teach female and male sexual anatomy”.
President’s report; NBS closed very successful meeting with 296 attendees. The new format of a congress without a separate postgraduate course allowing room for an increased number of scientific presentation seems attractive. The ECSVD has decided to encourage and support national postgraduate courses and may offer advice to organizers. NBS thanked the organizing committee, Christina Damsted Petersen, Susanne Christau and Ulrika Heddini for all their help in planning and running the meeting, venue and congress dinner.
Secretary’s report; many attendees opted to apply for membership while registering for the meeting and the number of ECSVD members increased to 233.
The executive council has proposed an amendment to the College constitution regarding qualification for membership.
- No membership fee is to be applied
- New members do not have to be proposed by a current member
- By participation at an ECSVD congress you automatically qualify for membership.
- If you do not attend two consecutive meetings your membership will expire, unless you contact the College.
- You can also apply for membership via the ECSVD web page by a written application including a CV. The Executive Council of the ECSVD will have sole discretion on the admission of new members.
Final decision on this will be taken at the next congress according to the College constitution.
Treasurer’s report; NBS gave the report since the treasurer’s Elisabet Nylander was not able to attend the meeting. The 2018 meeting had been self-funding and will generate a surplus. All accounts were healthy.
The Executive Council for 2016-2018 was announced:
President – Elmar Joura
Past president – Nina Bohm-Starke Past past president – Fabrizio Bogliatto President elect – Päivi Tommola Secretary – Ulrika HeddiniTreasurer – Elisabet Nylander
Current Councillors; Fiona Lewis, Sophie Berville, Manon van Seters New councillors; Christina Damsted Petersen, Linn Woelber, Kim Meuwis -
NBS handed over the presidency to Elmar Joura who thanked NBS for an excellent meeting and moving the society forward during the last 2 years.
The next meeting will be held in Vienna, September 10-12 at the Medical Scociety
Ulrika Heddini, secretary